Sunday, November 30, 2008


Starting to look alot like Christmas.....

This is Sharp Top Mtn at sunset, taken from a moving car (not by the driver though!)Nov. 26th.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cats, cats, cats

Just out of bed, well two beds actually....huh? first had to get out of my own bed because a little cat was meouwing at the bedroom door. I tried to open the door, stick out my leg and swing at the cat, but he was too fast! So the next solution is to go sleep in the guest room leaving the door open so that the little meouwing cat and the big naughty cat could come in, leaving me to sleep some more. Fat chance!! Little meouwing cat jumped on the bed and settled down to sleep - great! Big naughty cat was just that! Jumping on and off the bed, chewing lamp cords, scratching at closet doors...aaarrggghh (actually other words were spoken). Finally kids came in to stroke the "lovely" cats....So here I am typing instead of sleeping..see photo of the offenders above. (Note the "evil" in the eyes!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

On the way to school....

This is really what we see every morning on the way to Michael's school!
Picture right...all I hope is to see these piggies again after Christmas!

Big Otter River

Not all the same day of course!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Winter and all that

(Couldnt find my photos on this new computer...but this does look a bit like a white-tailed deer!)

It's getting cold...bbbrrrrrr or something like that. Now is the time to do some blogging, well at least I'll try. Not a good weekend, had some bad news, then Michael got sick (throwing up) Saturday morning, then I got sick Saturday evening (even went to bed at 7.30!!) Sunday felt fine until just after lunch, Michael then I had the uumm you know what tummy illness! Still seem to be OK now, going to stack a pile of wood later and do some housework..YES.. well it hasnt happened yet so maybe there's still time to think of any old excuse. The wood is for burning in the open hearth, got from a local fella, its about 2 cords or pickuptruck amount, only for 85 dollars too! Love the fireplace, makes everything seem warm (duh!) and cosy. Paul's finished building his new computer, so I'm going to try and find my photos and perhaps add some new ones. I've been taking pictures when on the way to school and whenever I see something which looks interesting (to me).School is out for all of next week, crazy -- of course Thursday and Friday being Thanksgiving, then they added Teacher Look at Thyself Day, or something and Teacher Conference Day. Got to get my 7 kids to do research on the Labors of Hercules; this for the Odyssey of the Mind competition. Its great fun coaching them and seeing what they come up with...
Tomorrow Michael is going to audition for a Christmas play, run by a local theatre group. He was in a play this summer and enjoyed it a heck of a lot.
This bloggin stuff is beginning to become just a diary, well thats OK cos itll help me to remember what I did, the mind is going you know.. Now where was I?